This degree program helps students focus on the application of skills that can be used in rehabilitation facilities and athletic training.

Degree Benefits:

  • Average annual salary for Athletic Trainers is $49,860*
  • Job growth outlook for Athletic Trainers is 23%*

Career Options Include:

  • Youth Sports Athletic Trainer
  • Performing Arts Athletic Trainer
  • Physician Assistant

*Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Athletic Trainers, on the Internet at (visited March 24, 2022).

Find an online bachelor's or master's degree:


You should expect to spend at least four years going to school full-time to earn your Athletic Training Bachelor's Degree. Though, some universities have specialized programs that allow their students to accelerate their final two years of their degree program. These students are able to complete the final two years of their Athletic Training degree in 17 months. If you choose to attend school part-time for any reason, it could take you 6 years or more to complete your degree.

No matter how you choose to attend, you'll have to complete around 120 credit hours to graduate with a bachelors in Athletic Training degree. These credit hours include your general education (mathematics, history, humanities, and communications), along with your required major classes for your field.

Before choosing a major there are some important facts you should know about.

As you begin exploring colleges and universities, you may already know what you want to major in. If you have a Athletic Training major in mind, look through the undergraduate catalog, either online or a copy of the book and browse the majors offered by that college. If you find this major, this will be one school you'll want to consider attending; if not, then cross the school from your list and move on to the next.

If you're uncertain what Athletic Training degree you're interested in, try to find a school with a robust variety of courses, that will let you experience a few varied lower level classes and allow you to figure out what you enjoy while you work through your general education.

A Athletic Training degree will certainly require to consist of some really particular training courses. Generally, a bachelor's degree in Athletic Training looks like an associate level doubled, but associates courses (the first two years) focus more on general studies. While the 3rd-5th years focus more on specific studies related to Athletic Training. Below is a sample of online bachelor's degree courses so you can see the kind of curriculum that will be typically found. Universities will differ in their specific studies needs. Compare colleges very carefully on the courses they will require you to take to gain your bachelor's degree in Athletic Training. Sample courses you may need:

  • Physiology of Exercise
  • Athletic Training Capstone
  • Advanced Athletic Training Clinical
  • Advanced Principles of Sports Performance
  • Advanced Principles of Sports Performance Lab
  • Care, Treatment, and Prevention of Athletic Injuries
  • Health Promotion and Wellness Protection
  • Emergency Care for Acute Injuries
  • Theory of Prescribing Exercise

Only 41% of students actually manage to finish their Athletic Training degree on time. There are a variety of factors that could potentially play a part in unexpectedly extending your college career, such as:

Work. Working over 25 hours per week can get in the way of academics.

Credit Hours. Most colleges will define a full course load as 12 credit hours per semester. If you do the math, you will see that you actually need to take 15 credit hours per semester in order to graduate on time.

Transferring. Many students end up transferring during their college career. Many times, there are hiccups with transferring credits. This can put you behind, or even cause you to end up losing your credits altogether.

Be aware of these common mistakes, so that you don't make them yourself.

How much an Athletic Training bachelor's degree costs depends upon the school and the state. An associate's degree at a community college may cost roughly $7,500, while an associate's degree from a private college may cost $14,500 or more. A bachelor's degree in Athletic Training may range from approximately $40,000 for four years for in-state residents at a public university, and $140,000 or more for students attending private colleges. Online school tuition also varies, but students do not have to pay for housing, meals or transportation, and costs are generally lower because online classes cost less for a college or university to operate. To determine the actual costs of your education, perform a budget analysis and investigate all the costs involved with earning a degree in Athletic Training at a school you wish to attend.

We recommend that students make a specific inquiry about job placement assistance programs at any school they consider for a Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training degree program. Advanced institutions incorporate career planning into the two or four-year course of study for a bachelor's or master's degree in Athletic Training. The school may host job fairs, business community awareness communications, and host interviews for employers from across the region.

The school of Athletic Training, college, or university is a broad community of alumni, business sponsors, and corporate partners. Both new and established schools often have extensive local, regional, and national networks. The overall resources of the Athletic Training school and the larger schools can potentially assist in producing high levels of job opportunities and hires for recent graduates.

Some schools pair students with advisers, career counselors, and job coaches at various stages of their academic careers. Observers can see the results in annual satisfaction surveys, and the numbers of students that get interviews and offers of employment.