The degree program prepares students to discover bodily health issues through the use of x-rays.

Degree Benefits:

  • Annual median salary for Diagnostic Medical Sonographers is $70,380*
  • Faster than average job growth (14% for Diagnostic Medical Sonographers)

Career Options Include:

  • Radiation Therapist
  • Diagnostic Medical Sonographer
  • Ultrasound Technologist
  • Corporate Representative

*Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Diagnostic Medical Sonographers and Cardiovascular Technologists and Technicians, Including Vascular Technologists, on the Internet at (visited March 24, 2022).

Find an online bachelor's or master's degree:


Generally speaking, most bachelor's degrees in Diagnostic Radiography take approximately four years for full-time students to complete. Traditional programs usually consist of 120 credit hours of coursework, or approximately 40 college courses. It is important to note that some institutions offer accelerated degree programs, often designed to help students earn a bachelor's and master's Diagnostic Radiography degree simultaneously and in less time. Some high schools also offer college credit for certain courses, which can shorten the graduation timeframe.

It is important to realize, however, that students enrolled part-time are unlikely to graduate within four years. Those taking only a few classes per semester typically graduate within five to eight years.

Before choosing a major there are some important facts you should know about.

We consider the choice of major to be an important decision for students when selecting Diagnostic Radiography schools or programs. Diagnostic Radiography is a broad field, and it has a wide potential for developing specializations and expertise. The student should pause and study the situation carefully. It is important to connect the choice of school with the career goals and employment objectives. Students should be sure that the school is well-equipped to provide high-quality Diagnostic Radiography education in the subject areas of greatest interest.

Students must look at the curriculum to determine if the subject will be covered thoroughly and in the areas of study that will be most beneficial.

The two most prominent types of bachelor levels in Diagnostic Radiography are: Bachelor of Arts degree (BA degree) and a Bachelor of Science degree (BS degree). A BA degree normally requires pupils to take fewer concentration courses as well as to focus more on discovering about Diagnostic Radiography. These students have a little bit more flexibility when it pertains to customizing their education to meet their occupation objectives as well as goals.

The Bachelor of Science degree in Diagnostic Radiography, on the other hand, is much less concentrated on exploration and even more targeted to a specific focus. Bachelor of Science students, usually, focus specifically on the area of their major and have a tendency to be more career focused. Bachelor's degrees in the clinical field, for example, are most likely to be a Bachelor of Science degree. You can find some sample classes for a Bachelor of Science in Diagnostic Radiography below:

  • Anatomy of the Abdomen and Pelvis; a Journey From Basis to Clinic
  • Understanding Clinical Research: Behind the Statistics
  • Fundamentals of Digital Image and Video Processing
  • Biomedical Visualisation
  • Data Management for Clinical Research
  • Anatomy: Musculoskeletal and Integumentary Systems
  • Data Science in Stratified Healthcare and Precision Medicine
  • Life, Health and Radiation

About 41% of college students complete their four-year Diagnostic Radiography degree on time. The National Student Clearinghouse Research Center study if the question suggests that money is a large factor in the rate of non-achievement. In-state public college tuition rates have traditionally been the lower range for leading schools. Today, the annual in-state tuition average is over $9,000 per year. Private schools average more than $30,000 per year. Many students run out of money and take reduced course loads to accommodate increased work and other money-making activities. Low per-semester credit-hour rates means more time required to complete a Diagnostic Radiography degree. Reducing the per semester course load from 15 to 12 credit hours can add a year to the time needed to complete a degree.

Among the reasons cited for the low rate of four-year completion were student decisions in course selection. Many students choose interesting subjects and neglect to grab key courses when available. The failure to take a required course when offered can add a semester to the completion of a major or concentration.

The student experience is a vital piece of information. The graduation rate is often a predictor of the student experience. Factors that can influence late graduation include the availability of required coursework and dropouts for financial reasons. School surveys often have information similar to customer satisfaction information on other businesses. It may be useful to see responses from recent graduates about their experiences. The student survey observations will not predict your experience, but they can lead to productive questions about the school and the Diagnostic Radiography degree program.

Accreditation is an important part of selecting a school for Diagnostic Radiography education. Much depends on accreditation and the type of accreditation. There are two main types of accreditation; regional and national. Regional accreditation agencies work with research-based schools, private schools, public schools, and some for-profit schools. National accreditation works primarily with for-profit and career-related education.

Regional Accreditation

There are two types of regional accreditation; they are Diagnostic Radiography program accreditation and institutional accreditation. Institutional accreditation uses a group of states as the base to compare the school with other colleges and universities; the group of states comprises the region assigned by the Department of Education.

Programmatic Accreditation looks at specific programs or parts of a college or university. This type of accreditation has the same type of respect and acceptance as regional accreditation for institutions. Regional employers and other educational institutions regard regional accreditation as proof of high-quality education.

National Accreditation

National accreditation has a Faith-based branch and a career- related education branch. Faith-based institutions have a different set of standards that recognize the role of faith in instruction. The for-profit branch of national accreditation covers the special purpose and non-traditional schools such as vocational schools. The career-related education requires standards that place appropriate weight on general knowledge and education. Some regionally accredited schools do not accept credits from career-related schools.

Did you know that your salary is not always just based on what level of degree you received, but it also could be based on what school you attended? Many employers actually have their own rankings and rating systems of schools. That is to say, if you received your degree from a college that was accredited by a low rated agency, your salary may actually be decreased by a certain percentage where a high-ranked, well-known, accredited school, can raise that mark significantly.

Schools can provide valuable assistance for Diagnostic Radiography graduates that seek employment after graduation. The programs can be formal, such as job banks and employment centers that present graduating students and graduate credentials to prospective employers and host interviews.

Depending on the college, they may have resources that can enhance employment and career opportunities for their Diagnostic Radiography graduates. Most schools have an extended community of alumni, donors, and corporate and business support. Alumni groups offer opportunities for networking as well as for sharing information and experiences. The corporate and business community support may include opportunities for internships or other hands-on learning experiences.