This degree program provides students with a thorough experiential and theoretical base in the construction industry.

Degree Benefits:

  • Ability to measure, cost, and value construction resources
  • Surveyors generate an annual median salary of $65,590*

Career Options Include:

  • Architectural technologist
  • Building surveyor
  • Construction manager
  • Project manager
  • Site engineer

*Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Surveyors, on the Internet at (visited March 24, 2022).

Find an online bachelor's or master's degree:


It is possible to earn a Quantity Surveying Engineering bachelor’s degree online in less than the four years traditionally required in a brick and mortar school, as the student may take classes year-round. For the student balancing work and/or family obligations, it may take longer. One of the advantages of earning an online degree is that the student may work at his or her own pace. However, you should be aware that some rigorous programs or majors may require you to complete your degree within a certain time frame from the start of your courses. You should check with the department your major falls under and ask if they have any such requirement.

Before choosing a major there are some important facts you should know about.

In general, you can begin your career as a Quantity Surveying Engineer by earning a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) or a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in Quantity Surveying Engineering, but in many cases for the position you are seeking you may need to obtain a master's degree in Quantity Surveying Engineering. Furthermore, there are numerous specializations and subfields associated with a major in Quantity Surveying Engineering. You will want to research the college or university to determine if they have the major you are considering.

This is a very important question to ask yourself. Your major should play a big part in the schools you are considering. Not every college may offer the major of your choice, so doing your homework is the first step of the selection process.

Before you declare a major in Quantity Surveying Engineering, you should have an idea of what kind of timeframe you’re looking at. If you are trying to achieve an associate degree, you will only need to finish about 60 credit hours over 2 years. However, if you are going for you bachelor's (B.S. or B.A.) degree in Quantity Surveying Engineering, you will need to complete 120 credit hours over four years. And, if you want to attain a master’s degree as well, you will have to finish your bachelors first and then spend around 2 years completing 60 more credit hours. Some of the coursework you will find in a typical Quantity Surveying Engineering degree is:

  • Principles of Construction
  • Principles of Quantity Surveying Measurement
  • Information Communication Technology in Quantity Surveying
  • Interpersonal Transferable Skills
  • Learning Theory
  • Domestic Construction Technology
  • QS Measurement of Small Domestic Buildings
  • Site Management and Health & Safety
  • Quantity Surveying Organization and Management
  • Introduction to Quantity Surveying Software
  • Report Writing and Academic Writing
  • Quantity Surveying Measurement of Domestic Buildings
  • Estimating
  • Construction Contracts & Procurement
  • Economics

Only 41% of students actually manage to finish their Quantity Surveying Engineering degree on time. There are a variety of factors that could potentially play a part in unexpectedly extending your college career, such as:

Work. Working over 25 hours per week can get in the way of academics.

Credit Hours. Most colleges will define a full course load as 12 credit hours per semester. If you do the math, you will see that you actually need to take 15 credit hours per semester in order to graduate on time.

Transferring. Many students end up transferring during their college career. Many times, there are hiccups with transferring credits. This can put you behind, or even cause you to end up losing your credits altogether.

Be aware of these common mistakes, so that you don't make them yourself.

How much a Quantity Surveying Engineering bachelor’s degree costs depends upon the school and the state. An associate’s degree at a community college may cost roughly $7,500, while an associate’s degree from a private college may cost $14,500 or more. A bachelor’s degree in Quantity Surveying Engineering may range from approximately $40,000 for four years for in-state residents at a public university, and $140,000 or more for students attending private colleges. Online school tuition also varies, but students do not have to pay for housing, meals or transportation, and costs are generally lower because online classes cost less for a college or university to operate. To determine the actual costs of your education, perform a budget analysis and investigate all the costs involved with earning a degree in Quantity Surveying Engineering at a school you wish to attend.

When looking for a college program to attend, you need to look at all the potential advantages of a Quantity Surveying Engineering program. Post-graduate job assistance should rank high on the list of important things to consider when selecting where you will enroll. A good job placement program, while it cannot guarantee you a position in Quantity Surveying Engineering, will help you make sure you have the best classes and experiences under your belt. That way, you will have the best possible chance of getting the position you want. The time spent in school is a great time to prepare for your future career in Quantity Surveying Engineering. That can begin with a great internship, referral, mentorship, or hire. Schools that offer extensive job placement and career assistance can help you get all those things and more.