There are many good reasons you should investigate going to a graduate school and earning an advanced degree in business healthcare. A higher education such as a Master of Business typically will give you a competitive edge over other job position applicants, enable you to obtain a higher earnings potential and create opportunities for promotions within your organization. The result of getting a master's degree in healthcare would be an overall more successful career and preparing you for the future.

Graduate Degree Benefits:

  • Credibility
  • Strategic thinking
  • More job opportunities
  • Higher income
  • Competitive earning potential

Career Options with an MBA in Healthcare:

  • Healthcare Manager in General Medical and Surgical Hospitals - $82,620
  • Healthcare Manager in Offices of Physicians - $130,450
  • Healthcare Manager in Offices of Dentists - $114,770
  • Healthcare Manager in Federal Executive Branch (OEWS Designation) - $113,660
  • Healthcare Manager in Outpatient Care Centers - $90,570

*Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Healthcare Managers, on the Internet at (visited March 24, 2022).

Graduate Degree Types for Healthcare Concentrations:

  • M.S. in Healthcare
  • M.A. in Healthcare
  • MBA in Healthcare

Find an online bachelor's or master's degree:


You should expect to spend at least two years going to school full-time to earn your Healthcare Master's Degree. Though, some universities have specialized programs that allow their students to accelerate their degree program. These students are able to complete the healthcare master's degree in 16-18 months. If you choose to attend school part-time for any reason, it could take longer to complete your degree.

No matter how you choose to attend, you'll have to complete around 36 to 54 credit hours to graduate with masters in healthcare degree. These credit hours include specialty programs for your field to build specialized, high-level skills and knowledge in a defined subject area.

Before choosing a major there are some important facts you should know about.

When you know that you want to major in healthcare, you should find out if the colleges and universities you're most interested in carry this major. You should check the academic catalogs of each university to verify which ones do carry a healthcare specialty and verify with your state's department of education that the colleges you're considering offer the appropriate graduate healthcare education program you need for your field.

If a university you're considering doesn't carry a master in healthcare major, then it's time to cross that school off your list. Keep checking the other schools. For those that do have a healthcare major, begin looking over their programs so you get a better idea which university interests you the most.

A healthcare master's degree will consist of some really particular training courses to increase your subject knowledge. Generally, a master's degree in healthcare looks like your upper division classes on a bachelors, but with a graduate degree or advanced degree the courses are more specific and will require additional critical thinking skills. Below is a sample of online master's degree courses so you can see the kind of curriculum that will be typically found. Universities will differ in their specific study's needed and required. Compare colleges very carefully on the courses they will require you to take to gain your master's degree in healthcare. Sample courses you may need:

  • The Business of Health Care
  • Healthcare Organization Operations
  • Vital Signs: Understanding What the Body Is Telling Us
  • Health Information Literacy for Data Analytics
  • Foundations of Global Health
  • Health Care Innovation
  • Healthcare Trends for Business Professionals
  • The Science of Health Care Delivery

About 61% of college students complete their two-year healthcare master’s degree on time. The National Student Clearinghouse Research Center study if the question suggests that money and family income is a large factor in the rate of non-achievement. In-state public college tuition rates have traditionally been the lower range for leading schools. Depending on the college you are choosing, some colleges will have the same cost for in-state or out-of-state students, whereas other colleges may offer lower costs for students that are residents. According to, the average cost of master's degree for students is between $30,000 and $120,000.

Many students run out of money and take reduced course loads to accommodate increased work and other money-making activities. Low per-semester credit-hour rates means more time required to complete a doctorate degree. Reducing the per semester course load from 12 to 9 or even 6 credit hours can add a year to the time needed to complete a masters program.

Among the reasons cited for the low rate of two-year completions were student decisions in course selection. Many students choose interesting subjects and neglect to grab key courses when available. The failure to take a required course when offered can add a semester to the completion of a major or concentration.

The student experience is a vital piece of information. The graduation rate is often a predictor of the student experience. Factors that can influence late graduation include the availability of required coursework and dropouts for financial reasons. School surveys often have information similar to customer satisfaction information on other businesses. It may be useful to see responses from recent graduates about their experiences. The student survey observations will not predict your experience, but they can lead to productive questions about the school and the doctorate degree program.

Colleges and universities generally charge per credit hour for healthcare courses. Multiply the cost by the number of credits you're taking for your total semester's financial commitment. Program fees may not be included in the stated tuition rate. If a university charges $331 per credit hour, multiply this by 9 or 12 (the number of credits you're taking per semester). For 9 credit hours, this is $2,979; for 12 credit hours, it's $3,972. reported that the average cost of a two-year doctorate program was between $30,000 and $120,000. And be aware that, even if you are comfortable with the per credit hour cost of the program you are looking at, there will be other costs you need to consider like fees, textbooks, and room and board if you live on campus.

You can't afford to take time to redraft your resume, write attention-grabbing cover letters, schedule job interviews, practice your interview skills, or parry salary offers. Not when your student-teaching and getting ready to graduate.

That is why most universities and colleges have offices where career and placement service professionals can help you with all of the above. If your resume needs to be updated or even totally rewritten, they will help you. If you need to brush up on your interview skills, they can assist you.

Some campuses even hold professional development workshops. These may include networking skills, resume writing, and interviewing skills.