A popular choice that still remains a popular choice for business-related studies is and MBA (Master of Business Administration) with a concentration in Healthcare Management. Many students may choose an MA, MS or even an MBA to get an additional exposure to a general overview of business with a larger range of courses designed to equip them to a wide range of business-related situations and roles. If you are looking to become an expert in a specific field and acquire a management, director or executive level position within a company, then a graduate program would be a good way to help you achieve that goal.

Master's Degree Benefits:

  • Credibility
  • Strategic thinking
  • More job opportunities
  • Higher income
  • Competitive earning potential
  • Career advancement

Career Options with a Masters in Healthcare Management:

  • Healthcare Managers in General Medical and Surgical Hospitals - $127,330
  • Healthcare Managers in Offices of Physicians - $112,700
  • Healthcare Managers in Outpatient Care Centers - $117,200
  • Healthcare Managers in Nursing Care Facilities - $100,160
  • Healthcare Managers in Home Health Care Services - $100,880
  • Healthcare Managers in Medical and Diagnostic Laboratories - $123,800

*Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Healthcare Managers, on the Internet at https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes119111.htm (visited March 24, 2022).

Graduate Degree Types for Healthcare Management:

  • M.S. in Healthcare Management
  • M.A. in Healthcare Management
  • MBA in Healthcare Management

Find an online bachelor's or master's degree:


An online graduate degree in healthcare management usually includes the same number of credit hours as it’s on-campus counterpart. That means it should take you about 18 months to 3 years to finish an online degree. However, if you are taking the degree online because of time constraints or work and family obligations, you may not be able to attend full-time and, therefore, it could take up to 3-4 years to attain your graduate degree.

Before choosing a major there are some important facts you should know about.

When you know that you want to major in healthcare management, you should find out if the colleges and universities you’re most interested in carry this major. You should check the academic catalogs of each university to verify which ones do carry a(n) healthcare management specialty and verify with your state’s department of education that the colleges you’re considering offer the appropriate graduate healthcare management education program you need for your field.

If a university you’re considering doesn’t carry a masters in healthcare management major, then it’s time to cross that school off your list. Keep checking the other schools. For those that do have a(n) healthcare management major, begin looking over their programs so you get a better idea which university interests you the most.

The two most prominent types of master levels in healthcare management are: Master of Arts degree (MA degree) in healthcare management and a Master of Science degree (MS degree) in healthcare management. A MA degree normally requires pupils to take fewer concentration courses as well as to focus more on discovering about healthcare management. These students have a little bit more flexibility when it pertains to customizing their education to meet their occupation objectives as well as goals.

The Master of Science degree in healthcare management, on the other hand, is much less concentrated on exploration and even more targeted to a specific focus. Master of Science students, usually, focus specifically on the area of their major and have a tendency to be more career focused. Master’s degrees in the clinical field, for example, are most likely to be a Master of Science degree. You can find some sample classes for a(n) doctoral below:

  • Managed Care and Market Structure
  • Financial Management of Health Institutions
  • Health Care Reform and the Future of the American Health System
  • Leadership and Organizations
  • Marketing Management
  • Strategic Management
  • Managing Health Care Organizations
  • Healthcare Data & Analytics

About 61% of college students complete their two-year healthcare management masters degree on time. The National Student Clearinghouse Research Center study if the question suggests that money and family income is a large factor in the rate of non-achievement. In-state public college tuition rates have traditionally been the lower range for leading schools. Depending on the college you are choosing, some colleges will have the same cost for in-state or out-of-state students, whereas other colleges may offer lower costs for students that are residents. According to FinAid.org, the average cost of master's degree for students is between $30,000 and $120,000.

Many students run out of money and take reduced course loads to accommodate increased work and other money-making activities. Low per-semester credit-hour rates means more time required to complete a graduate degree. Reducing the per semester course load from 12 to 9 or even 6 credit hours can add a year to the time needed to complete a masters program.

Among the reasons cited for the low rate of two-year completions were student decisions in course selection. Many students choose interesting subjects and neglect to grab key courses when available. The failure to take a required course when offered can add a semester to the completion of a major or concentration.

The student experience is a vital piece of information. The graduation rate is often a predictor of the student experience. Factors that can influence late graduation include the availability of required coursework and dropouts for financial reasons. School surveys often have information similar to customer satisfaction information on other businesses. It may be useful to see responses from recent graduates about their experiences. The student survey observations will not predict your experience, but they can lead to productive questions about the school and the doctoral degree program.

If you are going to spend a lot of time and energy to attain an doctorate healthcare management degree, you will certainly want some job placement assistance as you near graduation. Discuss this with your admissions counselor when you are considering the right program. In fact, you might want to broaden that discussion by asking about how your school handles internships and if co-op programs are available. Experiential learning can help you not only gain the skills needed to land a job, but you can also cultivate a professional network that will help you build the career you deserve.